The world is filled with people who have grand dreams of new products or ideas that will change the world, but never become reality simply because the dreamer couldn’t close others on supporting their dream.
When I was 25, I was sick of the lack of results I had been getting in my career. When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you will do almost anything to improve your condition! The thing is, you can never improve any condition in life without learning…
I knew if I couldn’t figure out the close I would never get rich...
Learning from sheer experience is very costly and takes a long time to accumulate any real wisdom. My coworkers learned while they were in negotiations, experienced losses, then made very small adjustments over long periods of time.
That didn’t seem smart to me….
So I found the other, smarter way is to study, observe and create experiences so one learns how to handle a situation beforehand.