FREE Book! My 380 Page Bestseller on Closing Deals

How to Close Anyone, Anytime, in Any Situation...

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What is in The Closer's Survival Guide ?

A survey of over 1100 sales people indicates that handling objections and closing the deal are the biggest weaknesses of ALL sales people.

I created this bestselling book on closing for YOU – so you can become GREAT at negotiating and closing.

I assure you this will be the BEST most current information you have ever read or listened to regarding how to Close the Deal.

If you don't think so I'll return your $7.95 shipping fee.

Over 126 of the GREATEST closes you will ever hear - how to use them, when to use them and how to handle ANY and EVERY objection a customer will EVER give you.
All You Need to Do is Cover a Small Shipping Fee!

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10X Quote Wallpapers

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Tired Of Missing Sales eBook

Discover the 3 most common reasons your or your sales team is missing sales, and how to fix this immediately.

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10 Biggest Follow-Up Mistakes eBook

Here’s the 10 biggest follow-up mistakes most people make in their business, and how to almost immediately increase your conversion rates.

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If you’ve ever struggled to have a steady flow of prospects and leads to sell to, then this eBook is a MUST HAVE! Discover how to keep your pipeline full all the time.

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10 Mistakes that Kill Your Deals eBook

Have you ever blown or lost a deal that you think should have been closed? In this eBook, Grant goes over the top 10 deal-killers and how to avoid these like the plague.

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20 Rules of Closing a Deal eBook 

Discover the top 20 rules for closing any deal. Follow these rules and watch your revenue explode.

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Get this $25.00 Book for FREE, PLUS 6 Bonus Items

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Why Are So Many People are Talking About The Closer's Survival Guide? 

The Best Closing Book Ever! I just started using the material with just 2-3 new closes and I can already feel the power.

– Amir F.

I sell people on traveling across the US for a job. This book gave me actionable steps in the close besides praying that they said yes.

– Ric B.

GC has put the details in how closings are to be done and be done right! Excellent for gaining the knowledge and confidence needed to close!

– Armand B.

This book helped get my mindset right on how to approach the close, and gave great examples of the closes that I know I'll use in real life.

– Heather M.

Why Am I Giving You this Book for FREE?

I Want to Share With You Where 100% of My Income Depends On...

Closing is the only assurance of rewards. It is not true that you get paid to sell. You are not paid to sell. You are only paid to close. The schools don’t teach you this.
The world is filled with people who have grand dreams of new products or ideas that will change the world, but never become reality simply because the dreamer couldn’t close others on supporting their dream.

When I was 25, I was sick of the lack of results I had been getting in my career. When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you will do almost anything to improve your condition! The thing is, you can never improve any condition in life without learning…

I knew if I couldn’t figure out the close I would never get rich...

Learning from sheer experience is very costly and takes a long time to accumulate any real wisdom. My coworkers learned while they were in negotiations, experienced losses, then made very small adjustments over long periods of time.

That didn’t seem smart to me….

So I found the other, smarter way is to study, observe and create experiences so one learns how to handle a situation beforehand.
How do you become a closer?

Learn from the experience of others. It’s really that simple and I have exact closes you can use…the same closes I have used with success to help create millions and millions and millions of dollars.

The Closer’s Survival Guide book is as good as gold…it contains closes for every situation that you can use anytime, anywhere…and I’m going to give it to you as long as you pay shipping. Why? Because paying something shows you are going to be committed to reading it.

I can help you—and I want to help you!
I went from broke to providing training and growth strategies to Fortune 500 companies like Google, Sprint, GM, Chrysler, and even the US Army….and it’s all from mastering the close.

Get this $25.00 Book for FREE, PLUS 6 Bonus Items

All You Need to Do is Cover a Small Shipping Fee!

Grant Cardone

Private Equity Fund Manager & Real Estate Manager

  • Forbes #1 Marketing Influencer
  • #1 Small Business Influencer
  • ​Top 10 Most Influential CEOs
  • ​​Inc Magazine Top 5 Entrepreneurs to Follow
  • ​​Manages $4B AUM • Cardone Capital 
  • ​​​New York Times Best-Selling Author
  • ​​Raised over $200M for Charities

Here is My Guarantee

There is absolutely ZERO risk on your part, and no reason that you shouldn’t claim this book!  

I promise that not only will you LOVE this book, you’ll get a ton of actionable value out of it that will help you take the first steps in 10Xing your business (and your life), or I'll return your $7.95 shipping... (And, I’ll even let you keep the book anyway!)

You won’t need to ship anything back to us. Simply email me or call the number on your digital receipt, and I'll give you back your money with no questions asked.

Sound fair?

Limited Time Offer:

Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before they’re Gone…

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoy your copy of The Closer's Survival Guide!

Be Great!
Grant Cardone

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you my bestselling book on closing deals, "The Closer's Survival Guide" (that's priced at $24.97) for FREE. Yes, this book is free, and all you pay is $7.95 US.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

In fact, if you don't love the book - I'll even refund your shipping costs (and you don't have to ship the book back).

So, Click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You won't regret it.

At Cardone Enterprises we believe that success is the result of hard work, education and persistence. Examples given should not be considered typical and there is never a guarantee of results. Information provided is educational in nature and is not legal or financial advice. By using this website or any related materials you agree to take full responsibility for your own results, or lack thereof. Our team is here to support you, but you should always do your own due diligence before making any investment or taking any risk. Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility.

Any examples given should not be considered typical and there is no guarantee of results. Information provided is educational in nature and is not legal or financial advice. By using this website or any related materials you agree to take full responsibility for your own results. Our team is here to support you, but you should always do your own due diligence before making any investment or taking any risk. 

Cardone Training Technologies | 1-800-368-5771
18909 NE 29th Ave Aventura FL 33180
© Cardone Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.

Cardone Training Technologies | 1-800-368-5771 | 18909 NE 29th Ave Aventura FL 33180
© Cardone Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.

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